Sunday, September 24, 2006

gone are the exam times

aha ... at last its over. nopes, its not the cyclone which recently hit the east coast I am talking about, its our exams. yeah, exams are the most tortorous time for a student and more so when u get a max of 2-3 hrs of sleep on an average. well, no use of talking abt the exam time .... the best thing is "No more for the next couple of months".

so how does one celebrate dis in a MBA insti ... ?? dance party, daru and jamming ...
yup, we did it all and addition to that ... cheddis.
donno abt cheddis !! Its the most celebrated hang-out space@IIT-Kgp. A small chai-shop where u get a cuppa tea at any time of the year u wish... :)

Simply speaking, yesterday was the best day at Kharagpur. Memoirs for life.