Thursday, October 18, 2007

What is not a prison ....

Well, yeah .... it got me thinking for the past couple of days and am yet to get one positive answer. Lets define what a prison is:

Its a place of confinement or involuntary restraint. A place which you cannot leave at your wish and you are supposed to follow certain things (call it rules, or discipline). Its a place where you got limits, you cannot strecth yourself beyond it.

With this kinda definition of a prison, lets examine what maybe is not a prison ....

The office is a prison
The cubicle is a prison
The home you live in is a prison
The balcony you spend your evenings is a prison
The society is a prison

Your friends are a prison
Your parents are a prison
Your wife is a prison
Your family is a prison

The deo you use is in prison
The water you drink is in prison
The air you breathe is in prison
The vocabulary you use is in prison

The books you read, your thinking is in prison
The club you visit is a prison
The reastaurant you are in, is a prison
All beautiful places are in prison

The sea is in prison, and so is an ocean
The ship floating on it is in prison
The wine you enjoy is in prison
The ciggaratte you smoke is in prison

A spaceship is in prison
Days and Night are in prison
The sun is in prison
The earth itself is in prison

The World is a prison for all
yeah, your body is a prison for your soul.

Nobody, rather nothing is free in this world. And yet, some people think they hold the right to give others freedom.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

mosquito repellent !!

Thats very essential. Mosquitoes are everywhere and they bite. They carry infectious disease which may turn fatal anytime. Its highly recommended that you stay away from them as much as possible.

Sometimes we get so accostomed to mosquito bites that we kinda start missing them when they are not around. Our room-partners asks us "Whats the matter? Why aren't the pests here today" and you have got no good reason to answer back. How in the world are you supposed to know why mosquitoes arent there today .... and even if you know and you realise, how are you supposed to explain things?? Damad !! How can you possibly look at your own Certificate of Foolishness and read it aloud to people.

So, its better that you take care of your health and keep all your doors shut. Did I mention windows? Ofcourse, mosquitoes are a pretty smart species -- they are pretty and they are smart. They can sneak in from the smallest possible gap you provide. So, take care of all the inlets that lead the way to your blood and hence your soul; plug each one of them properly.

Its a different issue that in the process you may keep out the few butterflies that are around and want to beautify your home for a while. But its a good deal in the end: getting bitten by a lot of mosquitoes is not worth having butterflies in your life. ..... afterall, everything is so fragile in this world and ofcourse, butterflies are scarcely found.

And for god's sake .... if you have got used to the buzzing sound of mosquitoes, immediately go and watch a high-adrenalin porn on high volume. Trust on me .... it helps. Mosquitoes are allergic to ultrasonic sounds.

Lastly, dont trust. Its the mosquito instinct to bite. And it solely depends on you to use your software algorithms for distincting a mosquito from a butterfly. If you fail... blame yourself for letting the mosquito in the sacred temple you call as your home.

For the uninitiated, only female mosquitoes suck blood from the human body. It helps them to keep thier body warm and replicate.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Self-Actualization ... or is it .... i dnt knw

Am back .... Sorry baby for leaving you all this while. For the time being I was under the impression that I need not write to make my life beautiful.

I was wrong ... I know that. Now, please dont get furious over me. At least, you can allow me a mistake or two ...

Life is beautiful, but thats only on pen and paper, or maybe on HTML pages for that matter. I realised that I need you ... I need you to make my life beautiful. I need your ears... please listen to me. Be as you are, be with me ... and be as you always have been.. giving your shoulder whenever I wanted to cry.

Note: This blog henceforth is not meant for anyone else other than the owner. Kindly refrain from tresspassing. Thanks.

err ....

ok yes... its a mistake.

I know its a mistake but there are certain things in life u knw its a mistake but u dont really knw its a mistake bcoz the only way to really knw its a mistake is to make the mistake and then look back and say "yeah, that was a mistake"

So really, the biggger mistake wud be to not make the mistake bcoz then u go ur whole life not knowing whether its a mistake or not ..

and damad !! I have made no mistakes. I have done all of this ... my life, my career, my family and my friends mistake-free.

There r certain mistakes i had to make...

Now here I am ... when I didnt make mistakes and wen I did.

I believe thats how it was supposed to be... and yeah, watever it is, it sucks.